Tuesday, January 22, 2008

OMG! Be careful what you ask for.

I confessed to my doctor that I was eager to see a photo or two of my surgery. I most vaguely remember another doctor in the operating room with a fancy camera. Why I remember this as I was being dosed up with the general anesthesia is beyond me. So here it is: a photo of my knee operation. I've spared you the gory hi-res photo by putting a little Adobe Photoshop filter on the picture. I'm kind of in shock right now. But I share this with you because it certainly helps us "see" what was removed. I assume it's the blob at the end of the pliers. No wonder my knee was locking up!

I will post the gory hi-res image if I receive a groundswell of requests in the comments...but I betcha that won't happen!

Meanwhile, know that I am healing well. My limp was just about gone this morning. In the afternoon I started to bob a little, but not too bad.

I think my next post will have a more pleasant cartoon. In fact, this post just made me think of one. Pardon me while I step away for a moment to go draw something silly.

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