Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thanks, Mary. Thanks, Walt.

When asked why the limp, I find myself explaining that I just had surgery to remove a benign tumour. I'm careful to say "benign" right up front lest I see undue concern cross my friend's face...which makes me awfully embarrassed and uncomfortable. I cut through the awkward explanation by calling this thing "PVNS. That's Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Expealidocious." Somehow PVNS is a lot more fun with the Disneyfication.


TallGal said...

I love the Disneyfication of PVNS! Very good!

TallGal said...

Hi Karen,
Thanks for your comment on my blog... It is hard to put so much of yourself out attempts to help yourself and others, and feel like your experience may cause someone more stress...but I think that all we can do is be honest about our experiences. How are you doing?